
Spelling Correction & Prediction REST API

        // Simple RestAPI to correct/suggest inputbox spelling

        // Needed to create a spelling suggestion REST API in the 
        // simplest & quickest way I could think of. 

        // Free to use for everyone :)

Try acomodat, achieav, adress, belitve


              // GET spelling.io/api/query/en/:query

              // Returns
                    "word": String

              // GET spelling.io/api/query/en/:query?limit=10&states=true
              // Returns 10 word recommendations and some useful numbers
                    "word": String,
                    "similarity" : Float,
                    // Number of occurrence in Open ANC (American National Corpus)
                    "occurrence" : Integer



            // cURL http://api.spelling.io/api/query/en/accomodation

            // Returns

            // cURL http://api.spelling.io/api/query/en/accomodation?limit=1&states=true

            // Returns
              {"word":"accommodate", "occurrence":162, "similarity":0.470588}

jQuery Plugin

            // Include the script & style :
            // Available at 
            // https://github.com/yungookim/spelling.io/tree/master/presentation/dist/scripts/lib

            <script type="text/javascript" src="/spelling.js"></script>
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="/spelling.css">

            // Initialize the input box :
            // Optional Args
            { limit : 5, states : true }